Artist: The Wiggles
Songs: 30
Hot Potato
Do the Propeller!
Ready, Steady, Wiggle!
Rock-a-Bye Your Bear
Simon Says
Who's in the Wiggle House?
Emma's Theme
Apples and Bananas
The Wonder of Wiggle Town
Fruit Salad
Follow the Leader
Rock & Roll Preschool
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Emma's Special Bow
Dorothy Pas De Deux
I've Got My Glasses On!
Do The Pretzel
Come on Down to Wiggle Town
Michael Finnegan
Do the Skeleton Scat!
When I Hear the Music of the Orchestra
Henry Likes Water
The Shimmie Shake!
Wags the Dog, He Likes to Tango
Dressing Up
Simon's Cold Water Blues
Dance with Emma
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