New family-friendly releases from Patty Shukla, Pinkfong, The Party Cats, Coach Kody, Jools TV, Mr Yipadee, Itty Bitty Beats, Michael Hearst, fleaBITE, EVT Kids, and Fancy Pants. New Releases for the Week of February 1, 2025
New family-friendly releases from Dirk Scheele Children’s Songs, Patty Shukla, Pinkfong, Fabulous Lemon Drops, Rolie Polie Guacamole, Pj Panda, Barney, Frances England, Claudia Robin Gunn, Carol Nicodemi, and Coach Kody. New Releases for the Week of January 25, 2025
New family-friendly releases from Nathanryan, Red Grammer, Pinkfong, Bounce Patrol, Turtle Dance Music, Daria, Press Play Picture House, Jim “Mr. Stinky Feet” Cosgrove, Simone Ludwig, Chris Lam Sam, Jeremy and Jazzy, and Barney. New Releases for the Week of January 18, 2025
New family-friendly releases from Lingokids, Pinkfong, Daniel Tashian, David Landau, Peppa Pig, Bounce Patrol, Itty Bitty Beats, Coach Kody, Danny Go!, Play Date, Ginalina, Hot Toast Music Company, Jools TV, Cee Bee Teatime, Suzy Cato, Uncle Dox, Rocknoceros, Frisbi Jones, JellyBean Queen, Kid Pan Alley, DJ Willy Wow, and Turtle… Read more

New family-friendly releases from Kids Imagine Nation, Star Forest, Daria, Dirk Scheele Children’s Songs, Pinkfong, GoNoodle, Uncle Dox, Jools TV, The MikMaks, Michael Hearst, Emily Who, Danny Go!, Pj Panda, Gracie’s Corner, and Bounce Patrol.

New family-friendly releases from Steven Courtney, Pinkfong, Randy Sauer, Debi Derryberry, Lah-Lah, Kids Imagine Nation, Coach Kody, Riffin’ Griffin, David Landau, Pj Panda, Molly White, Jesse Jukebox, Kathryn the Grape, and Jools TV.
What is Kindie Music? is dedicated to promoting Kindie Music and the hard working dedicated professionals (and amateurs) that make it, but what is “Kindie” exactly? The word comes from merging of “Kid” and “Independent”. But Kindie is so much more than just those two words.
While there is a lot of mass-produced children’s music out there, Kindie artists typically (but not always) work with independent music publishers. The genre spans a huge range of artists who dedicate a large portion of their lives to making family-friendly music for children. From Folk to Ska to Pop to everything else you can imagine, these artists make GREAT music that kids will love but so will you.
In the Kindie world, you will find an amazing array of styles from a wide range of artists (and sometimes a wide range of styles from the same artist). In this world, artists are free to make music that comes straight from their heart and isn’t bound by commercial formulaic rules.
Kindie Artists do it for the love of music and children not just for a paycheck (but hey, be sure to buy an album or two and try to hit some local shows as well).
PlaytimePlaylist is the most comprehensive collection of Kindie Artists around. Be sure to look around by playlist theme or by location to find some new music that you can enjoy with your kids. Like all music, not everything will appeal to every person. When you find something you like, make sure to make that you like it and add some comments to it to help others find that hidden gem.
As always be sure to leave us your thoughts on what Kindie Music is to you and ways we can help share it with all the families out there to help promote the joy of music with the world.