- E-M-M-A Theme Song
- Emma's Hello Song
- Time To Walk To The Garden
- To The Park We'll Go With Our Bows
- Mia OrĂ©a PetalĂștha
- Emma's Garden Minuet
- Galumph Went The Little Green Frog
- The Blackbird
- Five Fingered Family - Anindilyakwa
- Emma & Francisco Baila Salsa
- I Look In The Mirror
- Poesje Mauw
- Emma's Bowmobile
- Samba Go, Go, Go!
- Johnny Put The Kettle On
- In Emma's Dancing Room
- Gumboot Dance
- Butterfly Ballet
- Three Little Wrens
- Let's Take A Plane Ride
- Ponies
- Emma's Music Box
- Five Little Speckled Frogs
- Maranoa Lullaby
- Now's The Time For Dressing Up (Astronaut)
- Walking On The Moon
- I've Got My Glasses On!
- Haru Ga Kita
- What's In Emma's Bow Bag?
- Let's Go And See (The Smiling Scientist)
- Sink Or Float
- Emma Baila Baila!
- Five Fingered Family - Tamil
- Emma's Goodbye Reverence
Preview on Spotify: