PLAYSOUNDZ (Electronic music for children) by PLAYSOUNDZ Artist: PLAYSOUNDZ Run Time: 46:51 Songs: 17 Released: Wednesday, December 30, 2009 Week of Saturday, January 2, 2010 Label: La Olla Expréss Songs: Space kindernAlphabotCatch the ballPlush toy tea partyMonkey ringsFlight of the humbugsHabeas porpoiseDolittle computerI vant my mummyWerewolves outside my windowDoggie don't, doggie doComic strip cloudsDarn doodlesEvellyn skeleton(if you happen to be) a toothBand of plantsHouse of frankenbeansPreview on Spotify: Report Content Issue: * Inaccurate Content Inappropriate Content Broken Links Spam Copyright Infringement Your Name: * Your Email: * Details: * Submit Report