That's How You Make Rock-N-Roll
Rock-N-Roll Star
Blue Jay Blues
It's a Fun, Fun, Sunny Day!
Walk Around the Block
Imagine a Place
I Just Can't Wait
Anything Can Happen
Colors All Around
I'd Love to Sail
By Myself
Barney's Rockin' Nursery Rhyme Medley
Pretty Kitty Blues
I Put a Smile On
Surfin' On the World Wide Web
Squishy, Squashy, Washy
Have a Snack!
Snackin' On Healthy Food
Sour Pickle Face
Icky, Squishy, Gooey, Ooey!
Count the Stars
Mr. Star
Trying On Dreams
I'm Glad I Have a Brother
Look At Me, I'm Dancing
The Gaggle, Giggle, Wiggle Dance
The Dino Dance
Someone to Love You Forever
I Love You
That's How You Make Rock-N-Roll (Reprise)
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