Boomerang Jam (Susie & Phil Present) by Susie Davies-Splitter & Phil Splitter Artist: Susie Davies-Splitter & Phil Splitter Run Time: 51:42 Songs: 15 Released: Monday, January 1, 2001 Week of Saturday, January 6, 2001 Label: Susie Davies-Splitter and Phil Splitter Songs: Swinging BonesDinky Di AussieUmbalayoBoomerang JamLiving With the RhythmRecycle RapSevenThe Ayers RockSing to the Heavens AboveReggae Hey HeyJam Like ThatThe Instrument RapMaƱana BananaEvery Day Is a PartyThe Green and the GoldPreview on Spotify: Report Content Issue: * Inaccurate Content Inappropriate Content Broken Links Spam Copyright Infringement Your Name: * Your Email: * Details: * Submit Report