- Adam the Action Ant
- Bubba the Baby Bumble Bee
- Calvin the Counting Cat
- Desi the Dinosaur's Disco Dance
- Eddy the Elephant Never Forgets
- Felipe's Fantastic Fun Fish Freeze
- Go Go Go Gaylord Gorilla
- Harry the Hippie Hippopotamus
- Iggy's Incredible Inchworm Walk
- Jo Jo the Jiggly Jellyfish
- Kimby the Kindness Kangaroo
- Little Lulu the Lion
- Micky the Mini Mighty Monkey
- Nina the Nightingale Sings Her Numbers
- Octavius the Octopus
- Poppy the Pink Pelican
- Quincy the Quail
- Rocky the Rock N' Roll Raccoon
- Sally's Silly Salmon Dance
- Tommy the Teenie Tiny Tiger
- Upton the Unbelievable Umbrella Bird
- Victor the Viper
- Wendy the Wonderful Woodpecker
- Rox the Fox
- Yoshika the Yak
- Ziggy the Zebra
- Jack Hartmann's Alphabet Animal Parade
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